Happy April!

I’m so happy spring is here in South Carolina! Everything is green again! I don’t know about you but it always makes me feel better when all the flowers come out and the trees start to bloom. It’s like we’ve been given a fresh start. 😊 If you are still seeing the snow, I’m sending lots of bright sunshine your way!

How was your Easter? Mine was quiet, I dressed Lailah in the traditional bunny costume as you do. 😊 This year I decided to add a little diva to it, as you can see. Lol. I really tried to get a good picture of Rugby, but he is a puppy and will never sit still!

What have you guys been reading this month? I am totally fangirling over author Kiersten White. I just finished reading Illusions of Fate and I couldn’t put it down. I might be late to the game on this one but I am so glad I found this book. It was a random pick at the library. I LOVE the library, anybody with me on this? Lol.

I used Illusions of Fate as a reward this past week. If I finished editing what I’d scheduled for the day I got to read a chapter of the novel. If you guys reach your goals make sure you reward yourself. I never used to do this, but it’s a game changer trust me. It keeps you motivated!

Besides editing, I’m also plotting book two of the new series. I decided to plot out all three books at once before I start writing this time. Hopefully, I can release them closer together and create even more amazing books for you!

Okay guys, back to the editing cave for me. Hope the rest of your week is wonderful! If you have any great book suggestions let me know!

Genevieve  Xoxo
Author of the Argos Dynasty Series

P.S If you are interested in reading Illusions of Fate here is the Amazon link. Enjoy 😊

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