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Dear Friends,
I hope that you are having a wonderful week!
I saw this quote today, and I knew I had to share it with you. It fits in perfectly with what I am talking about this week.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.” –Albert Einstein.
It’s a cool idea isn’t it?
Obviously things are going to come up in life that are going to be hard or difficult to get through.
But what if we had the belief that it was all going to be okay? That perhaps there was even a miracle hidden in the mess?
That is what this week’s video is all about. Finding the miracles in mistakes.
What if for every mistake made; there was some kind of universal reasoning behind it?
Something that we needed to experience, or learn from.
What if your mistakes served a higher purpose?
Today I have uncovered some different ways to think about mistakes.
I believe they could be transformative to your life.
Why not jump in and take a peek?
When you’ve finished watching, leave a comment and let me know what mistakes you’ve made recently. How did you handle them? What was the outcome?
Were you able to find the beauty in the mess?
I always love to hear from you.
Sending you all my hugs!
Love, Genevieve
I LOVE THIS VIDEO! Your attitude is such an inspiration. I love how you took a potentially negative situation, and immediately turned it into a positive one. I love when you said “there is beauty in mistakes”! And I love that Albert Eisntein quote! *sigh* 🙂 I also love the advice of realizing that you can start fresh, you don’t have to hold onto the burdens from the past. BIG HUGS to you xoxo