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At one point or another we all feel like we have failed. Either in the eyes of others or to ourselves.
In our society there lies a certain expectation to always rise to the occasion, to accomplish things that at times seem insurmountable.
But do you remember who you were before the world laid down the law of what was expected of you? What were some of the things you wanted to do before someone told you your choices would result in insecurity and lack?
Who set up these rules of collapse?
For me it started at a young age. In school I was hoodwinked into believing that if my grades weren’t up to snuff I would never succeed. Then later on if I didn’t choose what society defined as a good, solid career I was setting myself up for disappointment. After college came new demands. When was I going to settle down? Get married? Start a family?
With every new experience the expectations rolled in until it began to gnaw away at the very fabric of my soul.
But what if I told you-failure is NOT failure.
What if the story we’ve been told all our lives is nothing but a hoax?
What if our exterior achievement was a façade, hiding the true meaning of our mortal existence? WHAT IF what was truly important, was how kind you were to others, people and creatures alike. Could the true lesson be to be grateful for every moment good or bad? To be like a small child and behold the world with wonder?
I believe it is the small seemingly insignificant things that spell real success.
So in light of all these ideas I’ve come up with three ways to avoid failure.
One: Take time to be in awe of life, inhale its magnificence. Feel the love that emanates from inside your being. Feel its power. THAT IS SUCCESS.
Two: Acknowledge all the work you have put in to get you where you are today. Life is full of twists and turns, and you have done an amazing job so far. Keep pushing forward, never give up. The things you think you’ve “failed” at are often the stepping stones to achieving your goals. Nuggets of wisdom are found on the journey and allow us to reach the mountaintop.
Three: Remember the universe doesn’t respond to I’m okay, or maybe. It responds to HELL YEAH I CAN DO THIS. See the world in a positive light; be definite about who you are and what your desires are. Live with no regrets. Regret is way scarier than fear of failure.
On your death bed it won’t be your failures that will fill you with regret. No—it will be those things you didn’t do because you were to afraid to try. So take that leap of faith, give it your best effort. At the very least new experiences will make you stronger, and who knows, they may lead to some amazing opportunities.
Success can come in many forms. Be open to receive. It might be far better than you could ever imagine for yourself.
What do you guys think? Do you believe that failure is an overused term? How do you feel about breaking free and just living every moment?
I would love to hear from you in the comments!