Happy July!

Can you believe it’s July already? Time is going by so fast! I have to admit July hasn’t been the most productive month for me, as I have been struggling with a frozen shoulder. Have you ever experienced that? I hope not. It’s seriously the worst. Basically, it’s an injury/tear in your muscle that causes your shoulder to lock up, making everyday activities like getting dressed and doing your hair next to impossible. Not to mention it’s so painful. You don’t appreciate the little things until you lose them! So make sure to appreciate your health!

Despite the arm drama (haha) I am on a July book blog tour promoting The Power of Alchemy. Hooray! I always love doing these they are so fun and it’s a great way to connect with you guys.

For those of you who are interested in knowing a little bit more about me and my writing process, I have filmed a video answering some questions for The Writer’s Life, the first stop on my book tour. Here it is! Hope you enjoy it!

In other news, I have been plotting and writing as I much as I can for book three. Sometimes I have to type one handed when the pain gets too much, but don’t worry I will persevere and finish The Argos Trilogy as soon as I can! I know many of you have told me you can’t wait to see what happens next! ☺

Be sure to sign up for my mailing list if you want to find out about some awesome giveaways coming up! I will also have some sneak peeks into the epic conclusion of The Argos Dynasty! ☺


Author of the Argos Dynasty Series

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