
More about me than you ever wanted or needed to know! :)

Welcome Friends!

Since the time I could write I’ve created stories.

Since the time I could write I’ve created stories. These early “masterpieces” always centered on my German Shepard Heidi, and my cat Termite. My furry companions traveled on zillions of untold adventures with me via my wild imagination. (And yes Termite was his real name-long story, but bottom line—have to blame Dad for that one).

As I grew older writing became an outlet to cope with more nightmarish things like bullying. Sweet revenge is sending your antagonist (based on the bully that tortured you on the playground) to cyber prison for life, while you, a beautiful princess, live happily ever after.

In high school, I fell in love with science, and the intricate magic of how the human body operated. Encouraged by a teacher to pursue my biology obsession, I left writing behind for a while and immersed myself in this pragmatic world.

After college, I became a scientist, which I still am to this day. Not long after starting my new job, and with the pressures of school behind me, I found I missed my first love and picked up the craft again.

Cheered on by my friends and family who absolutely loved my stories, I published my first book, and the rest, as they say, is history.

You may ask when do I make time to write? It’s mostly in the small predawn hours of the morning when everything is still quiet. However, once Majick Moon Cat arises and howls for his breakfast, all bets are off and the Argos Dynasty has to wait another day to discover their fate.

A lot of the ideas for my novels come from my dreams, so it’s nice to write when my mind is still half in that dreamy world. I have amassed quite the dream journal collection; so many more books are to come! 🙂

Some of my favorite non bookish things to do include binge-watching shows on Netflix, planning my next travel adventure, and annoying my pets by dressing them in costumes to display on social media. (If they knew about this, they would be mortified and start some kind of revolt. LOL.) 🙂

Well, that’s me in a nutshell. 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to read my books, I’m so grateful for you all.  Come find me and say hi!




Love, Genevieve xo